Modern (Okashi お菓子) and Traditional (Wagashi 和菓子)
Click Titles to see Recipes
Okashi お菓子

Japanese Cream Puffs Recipe ☆ US cups and ounces
Japanese Street Crepes
What makes these "Japanese" Crepes is the cone-shape and the choices of fillings. Crepe shops sell these with a paper wrapping so they can be eaten in the hand like an ice-cream cone.
Japanese Christmas Cake (Dome)
Japanese Cream Puffs Recipe ☆ US cups and ounces
Japanese Street Crepes
What makes these "Japanese" Crepes is the cone-shape and the choices of fillings. Crepe shops sell these with a paper wrapping so they can be eaten in the hand like an ice-cream cone.
Wagashi 和菓子
Kurikinton A sweet paste of candied chestnut and Japanese sweet potato, kurikinton has a unique, delicate flavour that is enjoyed by adults and also makes a yummy treat for my kids.
Special Occasion
Japanese Christmas Cake (Dome)